Monday, May 19, 2008

If only he did windows too

Woo Hoo - the neat freak tendencies are showing up more and more often these days. I found a way to modify the Swiffer so it is the perfect size for Kieran. Of course he stops playing with it as soon as I attach the cloth. So last time I posted, I think I was still frustrated that Kieran seemed to think that his toothbrush should be stored brush side down into the diaper genie. Well, he's continued to work on his sense of humor.

A few weeks ago, Kieran was trying to be helpful and he put a bag of small potatoes in my enormous purse when i put it down to pay for the groceries. He loves to rearrange whatever I put in the shopping cart. I was busy that day and the purse was already full so I didn't see them until I had finished running errands. So imagine me holding Kieran (by the end of any shopping trip - he's jumping out of the cart), I'm pushing the full shopping cart (oh and since I don't have time to work out - I park at the last spot and grocery store and push the cart uphill) and I'm carrying the purse of potatoes. He couldn't have put the cilantro in there? Not this kid.

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