He was actually busy baby proofing this weekend. We had to put locks on the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. In the kitchen, Kieran was constantly grabbing empty baby bottles and trying to drink them. It was so sad to see him trying to find milk in all those empty bottles. But of course we didn't want him getting into toxic chemicals in other cabinets.
It wasn't entirely driven by my own need to avoid feeling guilty that Kieran can't have milk all day. The bathroom locks were primarily necessary to prevent Kieran from stealing things from our drawers and putting them inside shoes. We have a lot of shoes and figuring out which lucky pair of loafers was hiding my much needed under eye concealer that day was getting tiring.
Here is Kieran trying to UNbabyproof.

While Kieran continues to refine his trouble making skills, he does seem interested in tidying up every once in a while. From what I've read, parents are supposed to encourage their kids to explore their interests and when they find something they like, practice makes perfect.

Hmm. . . bad outfit choice I think - it kind of looks like a mini janitor's uniform in this photo.
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