Perhaps I'm just delusional about little girls, but they seem so much more refined even at such a young age. The other day, we caught Kieran sharing his toothbrush with Durban. Both of them just love to brush so it's tough to keep them from stealing the other's toothbrush. That was the end of that toothbrush. Then the next toothbrush went missing. Hmm. . . I looked in his usual hiding spot - inside Santosh's left Timberland shoe. I found a lipstick of mine but no toothbrush. I moved on to Kieran's second favorite hiding spot - the trash. Nothing. Later in the day, I noticed the diaper genie lid was open. When I went to close it, I saw the toothbrush planted firmly inside. It's as if he had the forethought to leave a little of the handle showing so he'd get full credit.
Back in February, we found Kieran walking around as he tried to drink from an empty lemonade carton. I swear males are born this way. I'm beginning to see the nature vs nurture debate a little differently. I know I didn't teach him these things! (As for Santosh, however, I still suspect he's egging Kieran on when I'm not looking.)
I work so hard to raise a compulsive neat freak;)
I get very excited when I see even the slightest hint that Kieran might be showing signs of neat freak behavior. He has to know I'm not impressed by this behavior in the photos.

bwahahah oh how I missed your blogging!! Yep, he's a frat boy!
Aww he is adorable, let him be messy. If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what does and empty desk signify?
darling boy!
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